In my neighborhood there is an impressive prison building built in 1848. I like doing occasional sketches of it.

Various views of the old prison building

Girl With A Guzzi

Travel Sketching in Deià/Mallorca

Travel Sketching in S'Arraco/Mallorca

Picture series in "Blotted Line"-technique

More "Blotted Line", the car is based on the legendary Jaguar E-Type from "Harold & Maude".

Another character design, a personification of fire hazard.
This resulted from working on an ad for fire-extinguishers.

North Sea impressions. I'm fascinated by these bad-tempered sea-gulls.

Sketches for another character intended as a company mascot

Sketches for sports-coach-like advertising character

Inspired by regular North Sea visits in the winter time.

Probably North-Sea-inspired as well