Note: A few of the following cartoons are based upon German puns or ambiguities which are not translatable. I promise to come up with some good counterparts in English some day.

This imaginary travel poster actually was a spin-off appearing in the illustrations of a children‘s book. (I'm on the bull's side.)

From the annual "Graphic Training Camp" Seminar. (Guest lecturer German cartoonist Rudi Hurzlmeier)

Cartoon sketch for an ad

"We have a child, but we don't talk about it."
From the annual "Graphic Training Camp" Seminar. (Guest lecturer German cartoonist Til Mette)
From the annual "Graphic Training Camp" Seminar. (Guest lecturer German cartoonist Til Mette)

From the annual "Graphic Training Camp" Seminar: Animal Of The Day

From the annual "Graphic Training Camp" Seminar: Animal Of The Day

From the annual "Graphic Training Camp" Seminar: Animal Of The Day

From the annual "Graphic Training Camp" Seminar: Animal Of The Day

Cartoons for the exposition "Schräge Vögel" (odd bird = odd fish), Frankenthal, Germany 2016